Texas Health IT Day: Texas Telehealth Policy Overview

February 2, 9:30am, CST - 10:15am, CST

Online Event - VIRTUAL ONLY


2021 Texas Legislative Session

Join us for an overview of key Telehealth issues pertinent to the 2021 Texas legislative.

Meet the speaker:


Telehealth Texas - Nora Belcher, Executive Director at Texas e-Health Alliance


Please join us for the other sessions on the day by clicking on the following links:

Telehealth Reimbursement Overview (10:30-11:15am):  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iY4D_Xp4TP2sWj2ymZnIVw

Telehealth in Rural Areas Overview (11:30-12:15am):    https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GvEdZtl1QeGBr_3DvDbzFg

National Telehealth Policy Overview (12:30-1:15pm):    https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GhHWinXPTo2JgQYA7bH7LA